as you see there is a magnificent title that comes with a story right over here . a long time for me to make a post after this days , i really do apologizes for that . so now i tell you a story and i show some of the image that are already happens .
the time that given for us to be all together at our front of school is before 730 . so , my ride to the destination is by my dear dayah parents's car and we got there together and waiting for our friend dear miss affea to be arrive . at the first place , i felt embarrassed because of my appearance compare to others . but i let it go as dayah comfort me . so then here comes affea and a few minutes , comes the one big bus .
pictures in the bus :
affea with her bus partner , kak hanis

as i'm very excited to be sent to Times Square
and about an hour but not really , finally we got safely in one peace at the main entrance of the junction . so we choose kak eja and her friend kak yuni to be our guidance in every hour we been given from 10 till 5pm . we have to wait for a few minute to get in into the shopping mall and snap a few of this pictures .
infront of the main entrance of the big junction :

read the expression , than you'll know what they are trying to say

oww , love you dayah

the two wonderfull seniors together with us
when we finally got to be one of the people in the Times Square , toilet are the first place we visit , than we just waiting for all the store to be open by the workers . at the mean time , dayah , fea ,kak eja ,kak yuni and me are just servey all the clothes in every shop that are already opened . this pictures are taken along our day in the mall .
window shopping and else :

the most happening people i've known yesterday !

syakir and najwan are always be seen with us but not all the time

choose one please :)

we got mad by the owner of this shop :(

we didn't got the chance to watch movie after a few of us got reallt dizzy after trying the games at cosmo world . me and fea buy some things at nichi and dayah plus fea help me to search for my cap . after eating at the KENNY ROGERS and a lot of silly things happen we walk towards the boling alley . pictures below explains us at the boling alley .
boling alley :

waiting for our lane

dayah is finishing the fries from McDonald

as i'm holding the money to pay

guess where the ball goes

the team of guys
after playing just one game , it's time to go home and be in the bus before it moves . we are really damn tired ,
so we all sleeps in the bus silently . when the bus stop , everyone called their parents to get home . for me , i went home by dayah's car again :)