My friends or better known as BOFYTOOYAZZ !
maybe a step of new things before it happen .I do love them , but they might be a lot of drama in us are just about to get explode.The name of a crue will be given which comes with a promise . Some are weird and some are awesome just to make a sigle promise . but our promise is something interesting to know and it is a secret . Sory to say.between us might have ego and hateness , but in the end we realise we just a fucking lovable people .to love every sigle of them is easy. to make it even which is hard . i don't know about you but I feel that way ok .just in case you guys are wondering how in the world , we came out with the name of our crew.well actually we just combined our names and BOOM !! it happen.
one thing I need you to test your brain in this question .
whoahh . . what a question , hee..
may god bless you for the day you reading this (: