
Sudah berkurun lamanya tak menge-post . Perbahasan pun dah bertukar . post ni would be the first one in malay but not in a full form .ouh sekarang dah cuti sekolah . tak tahu nak buad ape . tapi  one thing , sesiapa yang ade bukak belog nih kira sangat hebad . sejak bila huh last aku bukak bende nih .nak membukak pun punyalah susah  password sikit punya susah nak ingat . ade yang bertanya ,tak kesian kea dengan blog bersawang tak post ape ape. well , i'm not sory for that . ape yang nak sory nye kan . heh . nice to give what i had in mind. nice to see you guys far from just the mind . okay bye

there there

hello hey hoi , long time no nothing . eheh . it is such a long long time that this window never been click by somebody with have nobody to memories them . actually there is . hmm . . let see . what to post what to say what to think . okay i'm starting with this one . TONES things happened . and my dear follower won't have the guds for them to ask for the answers . hee . that's not a crime okay . the thing is , i really do attracted by many blog design that are just a design with glitter and pig in it . ouh and by using our mother tougue language "bahasa melayu" or "bahasa malaysia" have drown me to take step on changing my language in this blog to them . so please live not even a single word on that . i think to myself and you'll se on my upcoming post okay ? ^^

i am still living body

posting is not my main intension when my eyes witness a pc been open
hear we are facing our story to gatherd and share . a lot of timing that seems not to think by posting words to this pages for my blog . thousand activities , style , stuff happen a long i was gone by the weeks .i am not officially in 14 years old of living by the time is not yet . the past have written that my brain have finally lendding safely toward the first exam in form two , and everything is not quit fine like always . i am trying to settle everything in everytime , so give me way that give path to finish where it all started .